Posters and Demonstrations session
Stevens and Jerrams-Smith, University of Portsmouth, UK: The
sense of object presence with projection augmented models
Booth, Faconti, Massink, Bordegoni, De Angelis and Mays, University
of Sheffield, UK: Intersensory disambiguation
of shape perception with virtual visuo-haptic stimuli
Van Scoy, Kawai, Darrah and Rash, West Virginia University, USA:
Haptic display of mathematical functions for teaching mathematics
to students with vision disabilities
Kirkpatrick and Douglas, University of Oregon: A
shape recognition benchmark for evaluating usability of a haptic
Bouguila, Ishii and Sato, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan:
A Large Workspace Haptic Device For Human-Scale Virtual Environments
Penn, Petrie, Colwell, Kornbrot, Furner and Hardwick , University
of Hertfordshire, UK: The perception
of texture, object size and angularity by touch in virtual environments
with two haptic devices
Vogels, IPO, The Netherlands: Human-sensitivity to visual-haptic
Dillon, Moody, Bartlett, Scully and Morgan, Liverpool John Moores
University, UK : Simulation of tactile sensation through sensory
evaluation of textiles when viewed as a digital image
Van Scoy, West Virginia University, USA: Haptic display of mathematical
functions for teaching mathematics to students with vision disabilities
ReachIn Technologies, Sweden: Demonstration of the ReachIn system
Yu, Ramloll, University of Glasgow: Haptic graphs for blind
computer users
McGee, Gray and Brewster, University of Glagow, UK: The effective
combination of haptic and auditory textural information
Oakley, Brewster and Gray, University of Glasgow, UK: Communicating
with feeling
Crossan and Brewster, University of Glasgow, UK: Haptic Palpation
Challis and Edwards, University of York, UK: A demonstration
of 'Weasel', a system for the non-visual presentation of music notation
to blind people
Wall and Harwin, University of Reading, UK: SpIRIT: High
Bandwidth Haptic Interface