Runtime Environments, Systems, Layering and Virtualized Environments
News: RESoLVE '13 announcedASPLOS
2012 Workshop,
London, UK
Workshop program Venue Important dates Submission Committee Sponsors |
Introduction: |
Today's applications typically target high-level runtime systems and frameworks. At the same time, the operating systems on which they run are themselves increasingly being deployed on top of (hardware) virtual machines. These trends are enabling
applications to be written, tested, and deployed more quickly, while simplifying tasks such as checkpointing, providing fault-tolerance, enabling data and computation migration, and making better, more power-efficient use of hardware infrastructure.
However, much current work on virtualization still focuses on running unmodified legacy systems and most higher-level runtime systems ignore the fact that they are deployed in virtual environments. The workshop on Runtime Environments, Systems, Layering, and Virtualized Environments (RESoLVE'12) aims to brings together researchers in both the OS and language level virtual machine communities to exchange ideas and experiences and to discuss how these separate layers can take advantage of each others' services. The aim of the workshop is to discuss work-in-progress research around how these layers interact and complement each other, and how best to support new software architectures:
The RESoLVE'12 workshop will be the second in the series, following on from the success of the RESoLVE'11 workshop last year. |
Workshop venue: |
The RESoLVE 2012 workshop is co-located with ASPLOS 2012, at the Royal Society in London, UK. See the ASPLOS travel page for more details. The RESoLVE workshop is located in the Royal Society Conference Room all-day on Saturday 3 March 2012. |
Important dates: |
Paper submission: |
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished work that exposes a new problem, advocates a specific solution, or reports on actual experience. Submissions will be judged based upon their correctness, relevance, originality, significance,
and clarity.
Submissions should be between 6 and 8 pages.
Submitted papers should include the
full list of authors and affiliations, and be in standard double-column
ACM SIGPLAN conference format (please use the 9 pt. template), and submitted in PDF format. Please use the Easychair site for submitting your paper to RESoLVE '12.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, we are able to offer several travel grants for students to attend the workshop and present papers. If you are a student and wish to be considered for a travel grant, please indicate this by selecting the appropriate submission category on the easychair form when you submit your paper. Final papers will be available to participants electronically at the meeting, but to facilitate resubmission to more formal venues, no archival proceedings will be published, and papers will not be sent to the ACM Digital Library. Authors will have the option of making their final paper accessible from the workshop website. |
Organization: |
Co-Chairs:Ross McIlroy (Google, UK)Jeremy Singer (University of Glasgow, UK) Program Committee:
Sponsors: |