European Summer School
Multi-Agent Control

September 8th-10th, 2003


The workshop was hosted by the Hamilton Institute at NUI Maynooth and Barberstown Castle between September 8th-10th, 2003. It was co-funded by the EC-funded Research Training Network MAC, and the Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth.

Switching and Learning in Feedback Systems
European Summer School on Multi-Agent Control, Maynooth, Ireland, September 8-10, 2003, Revised Lectures and Selected Papers

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3355
R. Murray-Smith, R. Shorten, (Eds), Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp343
ISBN: 3-540-24457-3


The objective of the EC-funded Research Training Network, Multi-Agent Control, is to consider aspects of the design of Hybrid Systems that involve probabilistic reasoning, optimal co-ordination, stability analysis, and control design. The objective of the Summer School is to provide a stimulating environment for collegial interaction for academics and students working in the area. The total number of  participants was limited to around 40.

Plenary speakers

Prof. V. Balakrishnan (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University)
Prof. M. Johansson (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
Prof. J. Kalkkuhl (DaimlerChrysler Research, Stuttgart)
Prof. S. Low (Netlab, California Institute of Technology)
Prof. K. S. Narendra (Center for Systems Science, Yale University)
Prof. S. Roweis (Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto)
Dr. V. Tresp (Siemens AG)
Prof. P. Wellstead (Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth)


Schedule of Events

Sunday, 7th Sept, 8.00 pm;    

Monday, 8th Sept
Tuesday, 9th Sept
Wednesday, 10th Sept


Hamilton Lecture

From feedback control to complexity management:A personal perspective

Prof. K. S. Narendra, Yale University

Hierarchical Bayes with applications to information filtering
Dr. V. Tresp, Siemens Research

MAC meetings

10.30 -

Interior-point algorithms for semidefinite programming problems derived from the Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma (abstract)
Prof. V. Balakrishnan, Purdue University

Smooth Sailing: Learning manifold structure from sequences (abstract)
Prof. S. Roweis, University of Toronto


Lunch / Poster session

Lunch / Poster session


Integrated  chassis control for experimental drive-by-wire vehicles (abstract)
Prof. J. Kalkkuhl, DaimlerChrysler Research


Prof. S. Low, Caltech


An overview of machine learning and adaptive control applications at Siemens
Dr. V. Tresp, Siemens Research

Simultaneous routing and resource allocation in wireless data networks (abstract)
Prof. M. Johansson, Royal Institute of Technology


Two dimensional (2D) system ideas for industrial processes (abstract)
Prof. P. Wellstead, Hamilton Institute


Banquet at Barberstown Castle

Dinner and entertainment in Dublin

Travel information

Location and travel information can be found here.


Further information can be obtained from Rosemary Hunt.