Shameless PLUG

Programming language research in Glasgow involves members of the FATA and GLASS sections, working on the foundations, design, implementation and practice of programming languages (PL). The programming languages theme aims to enhance the mutual understanding of the various research interests in PL across the School, and to promote collaboration opportunities.

Shameless PLUG is our local seminar series and takes place every two weeks. Our sessions are designed to be incredibly informal and welcoming. The kinds of session that we host include, but are not limited, to:


Our events are advertised using the University's events system:.

Mailing List

We have a mailing list where we announce events and allow for discussion on all things PL related.

Sadly the mailing list system is not readily accessible to non-University of Glasgow staff & students. Nor are the instructions.


If you are on the University of Glasgow network you can access and subscribe the the list:

Otherwise you can send an email to with the following in the Subject line:

SUB compsci-plug NAME

where NAME is your first name and surname.


If you wish to no longer receive updates about PLUG events, and do not have access to the mailing list system then please send an email to:

with nothing in the Subject line.

In the message body put the following:


where EMAIL is an optional email address, useful if different from your "From:" address. If you normally have an automatic signature at the end of your email, please put the word QUIT just before your signature.


We are also happy to hear from anyone (internal & external) that would like to present at our meetings.

If you have any questions please contact: