Heriot-Watt University
Earl Mountbatten Building, Room EM 2.33.
Information on travelling to the university can be found here.
11.00 How to be a productive programmer by
putting things off until tomorrow
Bob Atkey, University of Strathclyde
11.45 Epic: a library for generating compilers
Edwin Brady, University of St Andrews
12.30 Lunch
13.15 An executable semantics for CompCert
Brian Campbell, University of Edinburgh
14.00 ParaForming: using Refactoring to form
Parallel Haskell programs s
Kevin Hammond, University of St Andrews
14.45 Row-based effect types for database
integration and concurrency
Sam Lindley, University of Edinburgh
15.30 Tea/coffee break
16.00 Haskell distributed parallel Haskell
Patrick Maier, Heriot-Watt University
16.45 Java heap resizing policies: from
hacked-up heuristics to mathematical methods
Jeremy Singer, University of Glasgow
17.30 End