Welcome to SDG's Web Space

The System Development Group

possunt quia posse videntur

Our Role

To provide the essential robust high performance infrastructure required to enable colleagues
to continue to achieve levels of excellence in teaching and research.

Name Room Phone E-mail
Derek Hamilton G151 6717 Derek.Hamilton@glasgow.ac.uk
Douglas MacFarlane G153 5455 Douglas.MacFarlane@glasgow.ac.uk
Stewart Macneill G153 3102 Stewart.Macneill@glasgow.ac.uk


First line support is now being handled by the technicians within the Systems Team. Support requests should go to them in the first instance.

Contacting Support

By email:
By phone:
Check the white board beside the stairs on the ground floor of the Sir Alwyn Williams Building.
In Person:
If all else fails you can contact support by checking who is on support (see above) and visiting their room.

Old Friends

Some of the friends who are no longer working in the department with us....

Barbara Wiseman - now working back on campus temporarily
Gary Gray - now working in Edinburgh for skyscanner
James Thomson - now freelancing
Mark Meenan - now with IT Services at Glasgow University
Naveed Khan - now at the Beatson
Norman Davis - was freelancing in London for a number of years, sadly died in late 2015
Paul Philbrow - was working for the Vegan Society for a number of years
Pete Bailey - now happily retired
Robert Fee - was with MIS at Glasgow University, now with J.P Morgan.