I am Professor of Algorithms and Complexity at the School of Computing Science in the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Glasgow.
My research interests lie mainly in the field of Algorithms and Complexity. That means that I am interested in the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, and proving results about the extent to which a problem can be solved optimally or approximately using an efficient algorithm.
I am most interested in designing algorithms for matching problems, which involve allocating agents to commodities (e.g., junior doctors to hospitals, students to projects or kidney patients to donors) in the presence of "ordinal preferences" (e.g., a junior doctor might have first, second and third-choice hospitals, etc.) or "cardinal utilities" (e.g., real-valued weights that model the benefit of a kidney patient being assigned to a particular donor). The aim of a matching algorithm is to find an allocation that is optimal according to these ordinal preferences or cardinal utilities.
My research interests include:
I am head of the Formal Analysis, Theory and Algorithms (FATA) research section in the School.
During academic year 2024/25, I will be teaching:
Other previous teaching responsibilities have included:
Current responsibilities within the School:
Previous responsibilities: