Special issue of Algorithmica on
Matching Under Preferences - Algorithms and Complexity
Guest editors
Rob Irving, University of Glasgow, rwi@dcs.gla.ac.uk
Kazuo Iwama, Kyoto University, iwama@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
David Manlove, University of Glasgow, davidm@dcs.gla.ac.uk
Matching problems with preferences occur in widespread applications
such as the assignment of school-leavers to universities, junior
doctors to hospitals, students to campus housing, children to schools,
kidney transplant patients to donors and so on. The common thread is
that individuals have preference lists over the possible outcomes and
the task is to find a matching of the participants that is in some
sense optimal with respect to these preferences.
The remit of special issue is to explore matching problems with
preferences, with particular emphasis on the algorithms and complexity
perspective. Thus typically, papers will include results such as:
polynomial-time algorithms, NP-completeness or other complexity results,
exact (exponential-time) algorithms, parameterised algorithms, online
algorithms, approximation algorithms or inapproximability results.
List of topics
The matching problems under consideration include, but are not limited
* bipartite matching problems with preference lists on both sides,
where a matching is optimal if it is:
- stable - this includes variants of the stable marriage and
hospitals / residents problems;
- rank-maximal (or otherwise optimal with respect to matching
profile), minimum cost, popular or Pareto optimal.
* bipartite matching problems with preferences on one side (includes
house allocation / job matching / student-project allocation),
where a matching is optimal if it is:
- rank-maximal (or otherwise optimal with respect to matching
profile), minimum cost, popular or Pareto optimal.
* non-bipartite matching problems with preferences (includes kidney
exchange / chess tournament problems), where a matching is optimal
if it is:
- stable - this includes variants of the stable roommates problem;
- rank-maximal (or otherwise optimal with respect to matching
profile), minimum cost, popular or Pareto optimal.
Authors are invited to submit original papers relevant to the scope
of the special issue. All submissions should be uploaded via
Springer's Online Manuscript Submission, Review and tracking System
for Algorithmica (http://www.edmgr.com/algo) where you can find
detailed information and instructions. Please note that once you
select 'Submit a Manuscript', you must choose "Matching Under
Preferences - Manlove" from the drop-down list when prompted for
'Choose Article Type'.
Deadline for submission
31 December 2008