Michele Sevegnani

I am Senior Lecturer at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow. I obtained a PhD from the same institution with a thesis on bigraphs with sharing, a universal computational model that encapsulates both dynamic and spatial behaviour. You can read my thesis and various academic publications in the Papers section.

My research focusses on the theory of bigraphs and how to use it to reason about safety, reliability and predictability of location-aware, event-based, software systems, particularly complex systems that are already deployed.

I am currently involved in the following research projects:

In the past, I have led the following research projects:

I have also secured funding to conduct research on formal methods for IoT device management platforms, with the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology, and was visiting researcher at Cambridge and UC Berkeley.

I am the lead developer of BigraphER, a suite of open-source tools for rewriting, simulation and visual display of bigraphs. Recent research includes estimation techniques for networks of sensors with overlapping ranges, digital twinning for Mixed-Reality systems, and human-autonomy teaming in connected vehicular systems. You can find more details in the Research section.

If you are interested in completing a PhD related to my research, then please contact me. You can find information about the application process here.


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