Externally Funded Research Projects
- Responsible AI
UK (RAI UK). UKRI funded, Co-Investigator and
co-Chair of Leadership team (2023-2028).
- TransiT (Twinning for Decarbonising Transport). UKRI funded. (2024-2029).
PROBabLE Futures: Probabilistic AI systems in Law
Enforcement Futures.
Team photo. UKRI funded, CoLead.
- Responsible
AI Practice in Policing: Understanding the Potential of West Midlands
Police's specialist data ethics. AHRC funded, Bridging
Responsible AI Divides (BRAID) programme. Co-I (2024). Final report Exec Summary. Final report.
Communications Hub for Empowering Distributed ClouD Computing Applications
and Research. An EPSRC-funded collaborative programme
led by Prof. Julie McCann (Imperial) (2023-2026).
- CETaS Research
Project: Assessing Proportionality of Privacy Intrusion of Automated Data
Analysis”. 1 year
CETaS project (2023).
- Science
of Sensor System Software (S4). An EPSRC-funded, 6 year programme grant
(2016-2022) (EP/N007565). Final Report. A
collaborative programme with Prof. Simon Dobson
(St. Andrews), Prof. Michael Fisher (Liverpool) and Prof. Julie McCann
(Imperial), Calder is overall PI.
- Multi-Perspective Design of IoT Cybersecurity in
Ground and Aerial Vehicles (MAGIC). An EPSRC-funded (PETRAS)
(2020-2022). Dr Michele Sevengnani is PI, Calder is CoI; industrial
partners BlueBear and NXP Semiconductors.
- A
Population Approach to Ubicomp System Designs. An EPSRC-funded, 5 year programme grant
(2012-2017). A collaborative project with Matthew Chalmers (Overall PI) at
Glasgow and Mark Girolami at UCL.
- Glasgow
Molecular Pathology (GMP) Node. An MRC-funded, 3 year programme grant
(2015-2018). Co-investigator.
- Live formal models for predictable pervasive
systems . Royal Society Leverhulme Senior Research
Fellowship (2011-2012).
- VPS: Verifying Interoperability Requirements in
Pervasive Systems . An EPSRC-funded, 4
year project (2008-2012). A collaborative project with Prof Michael
Fisher at University of Liverpool and Dr Mark Ryan at University of
- Homework:
Shaping Future User Centred Domestic
Infrastructure . An EPSRC-funded, 4 year project (2008-2012). A large collaborative
project with Prof Joe Sventek and Dr Matthew Chalmers at Glasgow, and
researchers at Imperial College, University of Nottingham (Prof Tom
Rodden, overall PI) and Georgia Tech.
Stochastic process algebra for biochemical signalling
pathway analysis . An EPSRC-funded, 3
year project. (2007-2010).
- Stochastic
process algebra modelling of ROS regulation in oxidative stress .
A Lord Kelvin/ Adam Smith research studentship. A 4 year
project. (2007-2011).
- The
Molecular Nose. An
EPSRC-funded, 4 year project (2007-2011). A
collaborative project with Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Electronics
and Electrical Engineering, and Pure and Applied Chemistry.
- A Software Tool for the Simulation and Analysis
of Biochemical Networks . A DTI-funded 4
year project, in the Beacon Programme
- Computer
Science Inside . An EPSRC funded public awareness project
- VeriScope (Verification of Similar Concurrent Processes) . An EPSRC-funded 3 year project. (2001-2004)
- National eScience Centre (NeSC)
. A collaborative EPSRC project between Edinburgh and Glasgow
- Hybrid Techniques for Detecting and Resolving Feature Interactions
in Telecommunications Services . A collaborative project with Prof. Evan Magill at the
University of Stirling, and the companies CITEL and Mitel Telecom. EPSRC
funding. Photos of the team here,
and with team beards here!
- Co-Chair of the 6th Int'l Workshop on
Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems, held
in Glasgow, 17-19 May 2000.
- Forum
for the Creation and Engineering of Telecommunications Services (FORCES)
. A collaborative Engineering Programme
research network involving Glasgow University, Stirling University (Prof Ken Turner), Strathclyde
University (Dr Evan Magill),and
the companies Ericsson, BT, and CITEL. EPSRC funding. (Finished 2003)
- Portable Robotics Laboratories for Introducing
Young People to the Science of Computer Programming. An EPSRC Public Understanding
of Science Award, with Dr. Roderick
Murray-Smith and Alison Mitchell. See photos from
our exhibit at BBC Tomorrow's World Roadshow, July 2002.(2000-2003)
- DIET. Co-investigator on research
project with Dr. Carron Shankland at
Stirling University. (Finished 2002)
- The Design of Interfaces for Mechanised
Theorem Provers. A recently completed project with Prof Tom Melham and Phil Gray. EPSRC funding.
- A University of Glasgow (SHEFC)
fellowship in Feature Interaction Analysis in Telecommunications
for Dr Alice Miller .
- Co-Chair of the Sixth International Workshop on Feature
Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems. To be held in
Glasgow, 17-19 May.
- Supervisor of Dr. Alice Miller's Daphne
Jackson Fellowship.
- Temporal
Aspects of Verification for LOTOS Specifications. An EPSRC-funded, 3 year project. (1994-1997)
- Further
Verification Techniques for LOTOS Specifications An EPSRC-funded, 3 year project. (1993-1996)
- Verification
Techniques for LOTOS Specifications. An EPSRC-funded, 3 year
Research Students (Graduated)
- Dr Michele Sevegnani. Bigraphs with sharing and applications in wireless
networks (2012). Post-doctoral
fellow and researcher at Glasgow
- Dr Robin Donaldson. Modelling and
analysis of structure in cellular signaling
systems (2012). Post-doctoral researcher at Stanford, now entrepreneur.
- Dr Andrea Degasperi. Multi-scale
Modelling of Biological Systems in Process Algebra (2011). Post-doctoral
researcher at Cambridge.
- Dr Douglas Graham. Parameterised
Verification of Randomised Distributed Systems
using State-Based Models (2008). Actuary at Hymans Robertson.
- Dr Alastair Donaldson (second supervisor)
(2007). Developer at Codeplay, then Lecturer now
Reader at Imperial College, London.
- Dr Vladislav
Vyshemirsky. Probabilistic Reasoning and Inference for Systems Biology
(2007). Lecturer at Strathclyde University, then Lecturer at Glasgow
- Dr Brian Ross. Computing Bisimulations for Multiway Synchronising
Processes (2003). Deloitte, London then Australia.
- Dr Peter
Saffrey. Optimising
Communication Structure for Model Checking State Spaces (2003).
Post-doctoral researcher at UCL, then Bioinformatics Scientist, Illumina.
- Dr Stephan Reiff-Marganiec. Hybrid Feature
Interaction Resolution Techniques for Telecommunications Services (2001). Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer at Leicester
- Dr Colin Burns. The Use of Deontic Logics in
Modelling Accident Reports (2003). Now technologist in company in USA.
- Dr Brian Matthews.
Order-Sorted Term Rewriting Laboratory with A-C Completion and Dynamic
Typing (1997). Scientific officer at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
- Dr Carron
Shankland. Verification of LOTOS Specifications using Term Rewriting
(1994). Professor, University of Stirling.
- Dr Sharon Flynn. (for one
year) Refinement of Expressions (1999). Lecturer, University of Galway.
- Dr Alastair Reid. A Precise Semantics for
Ultra-Loose Specifications (1995). PhD Defining interfaces between hardware and
software: Quality and performance (2019). Researcher, ARM.
- Saeed Al-Amoudi, Compilation of Prolog
into Relational Algebra (1990). Saudi Aramco.