Research Students (Graduated)
- Dr Michele Sevegani,
Bigraphs with sharing and applications in
wireless networks (2012). Now Lecturer in Computing Science at Glasgow
- Dr Robin Donaldson, Modelling
and analysis of structure in cellular signaling systems (2012). Research
Assistant at Stanford University, then entrepreneur.
- Dr Andrea Degasperi,
Multi-scale Modelling of Biological Systems in Process Algebra (2011). MRC
Cancer Unit, University of Cambridge.
- Dr Douglas Graham, Parameterised
Verification of Randomised Distributed Systems
using State-Based Models (2008). Actuary at Hymans Robertson.
- Dr Alastair
Donaldson (second supervisor) (2007). Developer at Codeplay, then researcher at Oxford and now Professor
at Imperial College London.
- Dr Vladislav Vyshemirsky,
Probabilistic Reasoning and Inference for Systems Biology (2007). Lecturer
Maths & Stats at Glasgow University.
- Dr Brian Ross, Computing Bisimulations for Multiway Synchronising
Processes (2003). Deloitte, London.
- Dr Peter Saffrey,
Optimising Communication Structure for Model
Checking State Spaces (2003). Associate Director Bioinformatics Software
Engineering, Astex Therapeutics.
- Dr Stephan Reiff-Marganiec,
Hybrid Feature Interaction Resolution Techniques for Telecommunications
Services (2001). Professor of Computer Science at University of Derby.
- Dr Colin Burns, The Use of Deontic Logics
in Modelling Accident Reports (2003). Technologist in company in USA.
- Dr Brian Matthews, Order-Sorted Term
Rewriting Laboratory with A-C Completion and Dynamic Typing (1997).
Scientific officer at UKRI STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
- Dr Carron Shankland, Verification of LOTOS
Specifications using Term Rewriting (1994). Professor of Computing Science
at University of Stirling.
- Dr Sharon Flynn, (for one year) Refinement
of Expressions (1999). Lecturer, University of Galway.
- Alastair Reid, A Precise Semantics for
Ultra-Loose Specifications (1995). Researcher at Intel.
- Saaed Al-Amoudi,
Compilation of Prolog into Relational Algebra (1990)
Go to the Maths Geneology Project to find my students, myself, my
supervisor and his precedessors.