QNET Workshop 2006 / Qday III
December 4th & 5th, University of Glasgow, UK
Registration is now closed.
The UK Network on Semantics of
Quantum Computation is holding a two-day meeting
encompassing topics such as
- mathematical structures in quantum informatics
- semantics of quantum computation
- quantum programming languages
- quantum logics
- specification and verification of quantum systems
This is the first annual workshop of the UK Network, and is also a
successor to the previous meetings on mathematical structures in
quantum informatics: Qday and Qday II. The topics above also have significant overlap with the themes of the International Workshops on Quantum Programming Languages (second, third, fourth) and the Cats, Kets and Cloisters event.
Invited Speakers
Professor Stephen
Barnett FRS, Department of Physics, University of
Strathclyde, UK.
Dr Paulo Mateus, Security
and Quantum Information Group, Institute of Telecommunications,
Lisbon, Portugal.
Claiming Expenses (for QNET members)
Expenses claims should be submitted to Ian Mackie at King's College
London, using this form and following these instructions. Please submit claims as soon as possible to maximise the chance of receiving payment before Christmas.