Photo of Sofiat Olaosebikan

I am a Lecturer in Algorithms and Complexity in the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow. I have a PhD in Computing Science from the University of Glasgow, Scotland; an MSc in Mathematical Sciences from the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Ghana; and a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. My journey from being a major in Mathematics to becoming a researcher in CS is fuelled by my passion for problem solving and programming.

I am also very passionate about using my skills to help people. In my spare time, I find myself reflecting on how best to inspire and pass on computing skills to young Africans, with the hope that they can also grow to become creative thinkers. Consequently, they can contribute to pushing Africa forward on the frontiers of science and technology. All of these thoughts and reflections led to Computer Science Academy Africa - an initiative focused on empowering young Africans with computer programming skills. In recognition of the transformational change engineered by this initiative, I was named as one of the Future World Changers at the University of Glasgow.

For sports, I enjoy weightlifting, boxing, and high-intensity training. I am an active member of the University of Glasgow gym. When life gets in the way and I am unable to go to the gym, I walk 10,000 steps per day.

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Interests: algorithms design using graph theory; matching theory; combinatorial optimisation; computational complexity; algorithm engineering; experimentation.

I am a member of the Formal Analysis, Theory and Algorithms (FATA) research group. My motivation for research is fuelled by my passion for using tools from mathematics and computer science to solve real-world problems. My PhD work titled "The Student-Project Allocation problem: Structure and Algorithms" was on the design of efficient algorithms for a class of matching problems. Matching problems arise when we seek to match a set of agents to a set of objects (e.g., pairing donor kidneys with transplant patients, allocating junior doctors to hospitals, and assigning students to projects).

In addition to my research on matching problems, I have worked with researchers in the School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow, on the design of efficient algorithms for future wireless communications. Moreover, I am also currently working on bridging the gap between reinforcement learning and matching theory.


Journal papers

  1. Structural aspects of the student-project allocation problem.
    Ayegba, P., Olaosebikan S., and Manlove D.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics (2024) -- in submission to the special issue dedicated to selected papers from ISCO 2024.

  2. Antenna selection based on matching theory for uplink cell-free millimetre wave massive multiple input multiple output systems.
    Al Ayidh A., Sambo Y., Olaosebikan S., Ansari S. and Imran M.
    Telecom (2022). [DOI: 10.3390/telecom3030024 ]

  3. Super-stability in the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Ties.
    Olaosebikan S., and Manlove D.
    Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (2020) -- a special issue dedicated to selected papers from COCOA 2018.
    [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-020-00632-x | Postprint | arXiv version ]

  4. Student-Project Allocation with Preferences over Projects: Algorithmic and Experimental Results
    Manlove D., Duncan M., and Olaosebikan S.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics (2020) -- a special issue dedicated to selected papers from ISCO 2018.
    [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2020.08.015 | Postprint]

  5. Strong stability in the Student-Project Allocation problem with Ties.
    Olaosebikan S., and Manlove D.
    Submitted to Discrete Applied Mathematics -- a special issue dedicated to selected papers from CALDAM 2020.

Conference papers

  1. Broadening Participation in Computing: Experiences of an online programming workshop for African Students.
    Tshukudu E., Olaosebikan S. , Omeke K., Pancheva A., McQuistin S., Jilantikiri L. J., and Al-anqoudi M.
    Accepted for publication in ITiCSE 2022: 27th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Dublin, Ireland, 8-13 July 2022.

  2. An algorithm for Strong Stability in the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Ties.
    Olaosebikan S., and Manlove D.
    Accepted for MATCH-UP 2019 (no proceedings). In proceedings of CALDAM 2020: International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 12016 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 384 - 399, Springer, 2020.
    [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39219-2_31 | Postprint | arXiv version ]

  3. Super-stability in the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Ties.
    Olaosebikan S., and Manlove D.
    In proceedings of COCOA 2018: the 12th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, volume 11346 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 357 - 371, Springer, 2018.
    [DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04651-4_24 | Postprint ]

  4. An Integer Programming Approach to the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Preferences over Projects.
    Manlove D., Duncan M., and Olaosebikan S.
    In proceedings of ISCO 2018: the 5th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, volume 10856 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 313 - 325, Springer, 2018.
    [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96151-4_27 | Postprint | arXiv version ]

Work in progress

  1. Resource allocation problem in cell-free massive MIMO: a survey from an algorithmic perspective [ Poster ]
  2. Pilot assignment problem in cell-free massive MIMO [working draft on arXiv https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.14186 ]
  3. Rotation posets in the student-project allocation Problem.
  4. Student-project allocation problem with lecturer preferences over students and with project lower quotas


I am open to taking on new PhD students. Please feel free to reach out to me, if you are interested in my research and in studying at the University of Glasgow. In your email please make sure to clearly tell me your motivation for wanting to do a PhD, why with me, and how does our research interests align. Also, include your CV, university transcripts, and any dissertations or papers you may have written (it is okay if you do not have any publications at this stage).

Funding is available, but competitive. Some internal funding opportunities:

Current PhD students

  • Peace Ayegba (first supervisor)
  • Fabricio Mendoza Granada (second supervisor)
  • Frederik Glitzner (second supervisor)

    Past (selected)





    Selected research activities

    Selected Committees

    • Matching Under Preferences conference (MATCH-UP 2024) -- Organising Committee Co-Chair.
    • Mathematical Association of America (MAA) MathFest 2024 (Invited Paper Session on Matchings in Graphs) -- Organising Committee Co-Chair.
    • International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming ( ICALP 2021) --- Member of the Organising Committee.
    • SICSA PhD Conference 2019. --- Member of the Organising Committee. I chaired the workshop on "Mental Health and Wellbeing".
    • Nigerian Students' Society, University of Glasgow (NSSUofG) [Twitter | Facebook] -- Founder and President (2017 - 2019).
    • British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science (BCTCS) -- Postgraduate student representative (2018/19).


    I am founder and lead of Computer Science Academy Africa ( CSA Africa ), an international outreach supported by the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow. This initiative is focused on empowering young Africans with computer programming skills. Since its inception, CSA Africa has facilitated four Python programming workshops in collaboration with African universities, impacting over 500 young Africans across Nigeria, Rwanda, and online platforms. Through these initiatives, participants have transitioned into successful careers in data science, software engineering, research, and teaching. The initiative's efforts have garnered significant media attention in the UK, with coverage from reputable outlets like the BBC, Metro, Evening Times, the National, the Herald, and the Scotsman. For more information, check out our website .

    Selected public engagements

    • [upcoming] Invited speaker at Francis W. Parker School Chicago, USA, [March, 2025].
    • Invited speaker at DIGIT Expo West 2024, Scotland’s Largest Technology Showcase, Glasgow [29 May 2024].
    • Invited speaker at the Outreach and widening participation in mathematical sciences workshop, University of Glasgow [21 June 2023].
    • Invited guest on Jambo Radio Scotland. I gave a live interview on my work as a computer scientist with the aim of educating the audience on what an algorithm is [October 2022, Link to interview].
    • Invited speaker at the special session on women in computing in Europe, organised by ACM-Women at the ITiCSE 2022 conference, Dublin, Ireland. [July 2022].
    • Invited speaker at the Early Career Researcher panel session, as part of the SICSA PhD Conference 2022, Glasgow. [June 2022].
    • Invited speaker at the Good Growth event for female entrepreneurs, organised by Tata Consultancy Services, London. [June 2022].
    • Invited speaker at the Society of Black Academics event on "Entering the academic market and progressing on the job". [Online | November 2021].
    • Invited panelist on the "Picture a Scientist" panel discussion, celebrating International Women's Day at the University of Glasgow. [Online | March 2021].
    • Invited speaker at the Joint Mathematics Meeting, USA. I gave a talk during the MAA Session: Supporting Mathematics in the Developing World. [Online | January 2021].
    • Invited panelist at the Standing up for Science workshop, University of Edinburgh, UK. [20 September 2019]. My talk was centred around the CSA Africa initiative and why it is important for early career researchers to engage with the public, media and policy makers.
    • Invited speaker at Glasgow Pint of Science Festival, 22 May 2019.
    • My slides at the Science Slam event, which took place in July 2017. Second runner up (won a prize of £200).




    hopcroftkarp 1.2.4: A Python library that finds a maximum matching in bipartite graphs.

    Education & Training

    Honours, Scholarships, & Awards

    • Endorsed as an Exceptional Promise under the UK Global Talent by the Royal Academy of Engineering.
    • Travel grant to attend workshop on Mathematics and Computer Science of Market and Mechanism Design, Berkeley, California (value 2,500 USD). Awarded by Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute, USA.
    • Finalist, Top 50 Women in Engineering 2022: Inventors and Innovators. Awarded by Women's in Engineering Society.
    • University of Glasgow Rewarding Contribution Award, 2021 (1,000 GBP). In recognition of my exceptional contribution to the university throughout the pandemic.
    • Springer Best Student Presentation Award at CALDAM 2020, India: (cash prize 5,000 INR).
    • Future World Changer Award , University of Glasgow. In recognition of the transformational change engineered by the CSA Africa initiative.
    • Second runner-up at the Science Slam competition, University of Glasgow: (cash prize 200 GBP).
    • 3.5 years Doctoral Research Scholarship, University of Glasgow: (value 122,000 GBP).
    • F.K.A Allotey Meritorious Award - Best Graduating Student (2015). African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, AIMS-Ghana.
    • Fully Funded Masters Scholarship (2014). African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, AIMS-Ghana: (value 10,000 USD).
    • Crescent Bearers Scholarship (2012): (value 50,000 NGN).
    • Lagos State Government Scholarship, in recognition of Academic Merit (2012): (value 200,000 NGN).
    • Total E & P Scholarship, in recognition of Academic Merit (2010 - 2012): (value 300,000 NGN).
    • Academic Merit Award (2010 - 2012). Dean's Roll of Honor, Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan.


    Office address (also mailing address):
    Room 407A,
    Sir Alwyn Williams Building,
    School of Computing Science,
    University of Glasgow,
    Glasgow, G12 8RZ,
    United Kingdom.

    FirstName [dot] LastName [at] glasgow [dot] ac [dot] uk

    You can also find me on other websites

    Linkedin | Github | Twitter