From A First Course in Machine Learning, Chapter 4. Simon Rogers, 01/11/11 [] ROC analysis of SVM
clear all;close all;
Load the data
load ../data/SVMdata2 load ../data/SVMtest
Compute the kernels
gam = 10; % Experiment with this value N = size(X,1); Nt = size(testX,1); for n = 1:N for n2 = 1:N K(n,n2) = exp(-gam*sum((X(n,:)-X(n2,:)).^2)); end for n2 = 1:Nt testK(n,n2) = exp(-gam*sum((X(n,:)-testX(n2,:)).^2)); end end
Train the SVM
H = (t*t').*K + 1e-5*eye(N); f = repmat(1,N,1); A = [];b = []; LB = repmat(0,N,1); UB = repmat(inf,N,1); Aeq = t';beq = 0; % Fix C C = 10; UB = repmat(C,N,1); % Following line runs the SVM alpha = quadprog(H,-f,A,b,Aeq,beq,LB,UB); fout = sum(repmat(alpha.*t,1,N).*K,1)'; pos = find(alpha>1e-6); bias = mean(t(pos)-fout(pos));
Optimization terminated.
Compute the test predictions
testpred = (alpha.*t)'*testK + bias; testpred = testpred';
Do the ROC analysis
th_vals = [min(testpred):0.01:max(testpred)+0.01]; sens = []; spec = []; for i = 1:length(th_vals) b_pred = testpred>=th_vals(i); TP = sum(b_pred==1 & testt == 1); FP = sum(b_pred==1 & testt == -1); TN = sum(b_pred==0 & testt == -1); FN = sum(b_pred==0 & testt == 1); sens(i) = TP/(TP+FN); spec(i) = TN/(TN+FP); end
Plot the ROC curve
figure(1);hold off cspec = 1-spec; cspec = cspec(end:-1:1); sens = sens(end:-1:1); plot(cspec,sens,'k')

Compute the AUC
AUC = sum(0.5*(sens(2:end)+sens(1:end-1)).*(cspec(2:end) - cspec(1:end-1)));
fprintf('\nAUC: %g',AUC);
AUC: 0.971088