Research projects within the Group
There is a lot of interesting research going on in the group (feel free
to contact anyone in the group if you want to know more - contact details
are on the home page). We are really interested
in multimodal human-computer interaction - using different sensory modalities
to communicate information. Most current interfaces rely almost entirely
on vision to present information. This is not natural and can cause sighted
users to become overloaded and is a major problem for people with sight
What we are doing is investigating the use of other senses for human-computer
interaction, in particular hearing and touch. This page will tell you
about what we are doing and will provide links to other resources. If
you have any questions, comments or queries then feel free to contact
Other useful stuff:
Earcons and sonically-enhanced widgets
I have been doing work with earcons since 1990 with many interesting results and
have used them for many different things. Here is
a chapter from the Human-Computer Interaction Handbook (Sears and Jacko)
that I wrote on audio interfaces that will give you some background and
history to the topic. Earcons were first proposed by Meera
Blattner in 1989. They are abstract, musical tones that can be used
in structured combinations to create auditory messages. Blattner defines
earcons as "non-verbal audio messages that are used in the computer/user
interface to provide information to the user about some computer object,
operation or interaction". They are based on musical sounds. Detailed
investigations of earcons by me, Peter
Wright & Alistair
Edwards showed that they are an effective means of communicating information
in sound. Give me more
What do earcons sound like?
The earcons in this and the following pages are all less than 100K. This
means the quality is reduced but (hopefully) you should be able to download
them quickly. Click on the icons below to play two example earcons.

Click here to find
out more about the earcons you've just heard and to hear more. They were
created as part of a detailed study to investigate the effectiveness of
earcons. You can also download a HyperCard
stack (400K) containing many example earcons. The earcons in this
stack are described in more detail by clicking on the previous link. Here
are some guidelines for designing and
creating earcons.
My thesis
The title of my PhD thesis was:
Providing a structured method for integrating non-speech audio into
human-computer interfaces.
It is probably the most detailed document concerning earcons and it also
has lots about auditory human-computer interfaces in general. Look at
the abstract and introduction
to get an overview, or the complete thing is available as a
PDF file, or on my publication list.
The chapter from the Human-Computer
Interaction Handbook (Sears and Jacko) that I wrote on audio interfaces
that will give you some background and history to the topic and is a bit
more up-to-date than my thesis.
Sonically-enhanced widgets and a toolkit of resource sensitive widgets
We have done a lot of work looking at how non-speech sounds can be incorporated
into standard graphical human-computer interfaces. This can improve performance
and increase usability for both sighted and partially-sighted users. Our
results have shown that sound can provide many benefits: from increased
performance and user preference to reduced workload.
Jo Lumsden is an RA and
Murray Crease a PhD student
both working in this area. Ashley
Walker used to work on this project. We have created a whole
set of Web pages for this project . These have lots if useful information
and a lot of Java demos of sonically-enhanced widgets to play around with.
Our publications in this area are also available. This work is funded
by the EPSRC.
Earcons and telephone-based interfaces
We have done several experiments to investigate the use of earcons for
representing hierarchical information. This has applications for telephone-based
interfaces (such as phone-banking or voicemail), the design of mobile
phones and blind computer users. Telephone-based interfaces (TBIs) are
becoming an increasingly important method for interacting with computer
systems. The telephone is an ubiquitous device and is many people’s primary
method of entry into the information infrastructure. Access to an increasing
number of services is being offered over the telephone, such as voice-mail,
electronic banking and even Web pages. The rapidly increasing use of mobile
telephones means that people access these services at many different times
and places. Telephones themselves are now also incorporating greater functionality
(such as multi-party calling, address books, diaries or call forwarding).
The provision of this extra functionality may be rendered useless if usability
issues are not considered. These pages have all of the details on the
project funded to look into earcons
for telephone based interfaces.
Three-dimensional sound
We are now begining to use 3D sound to expand the audio display space.
This allows you to present sounds as coming from around the users head
- in front, behind, above or below. This gives us much more space to represent
audio feedback and can stop the audio space becoming as cluttered as the
visual (especially important on mobile computing devices). The approach we are taking is to use headphones (this improves the quality
of the 3D sound) and a headtracker. Users can move their heads around
and the sounds are recomputed to remain in the correct place. This gives
us high quality 3D sound at low cost. Publications so far in this area:
- Walker, A. and Brewster, S.A. Trading Space for Time in Interface
Design. In Volume II of the Proceedings of INTERACT '99 (Edinburgh,
UK) British Computer Society, 1999, pp. 67-68.
- Walker, A. and Brewster, S.A.(2000). Spatial audio in small display
screen devices. Personal Technologies, 4(2), pp 144-154. Adobe
- Brewster, S.A. and Walker, V.A. (2000). Non-Visual Interfaces for
Wearable Computers. IEE Workshop on wearable Computing (00/145).
IEE Press. Adobe PDF
- Walker, A. and Brewster, S.A. "Sitting too close to the screen
can be bad for your ears": A study of audio-visual location discrepancy
detection under different visual projections.In proceedings of ICAD2001
(Helsinki, Finland), ICAD and Helsinki University of Technology, pp
86-89 . Adobe PDF
- Walker, A., Brewster, S.A., McGookin, D. and Ng, A. Diary in the
sky: A spatial audio display for a mobile calendar. In Proceedings
of BCS IHM-HCI 2001 (Lille, France), Springer,531-540.
Adobe PDF
- Brewster, S.A., Lumsden, J., Bell, M., Hall, M. and Tasker, S. Multimodal
'Eyes-Free' Interaction Techniques for Wearable Devices. In Proceedings
of ACM CHI 2003 (Fort Lauderdale, FL). ACM Press, Addison-Wesley, pp
463-480. Adobe PDF
- McGookin, D. K. and Brewster, S. A. DOLPHIN: The Design and Initial
Evaluation of Multimodal Focus and Context. In Proceedings of ICAD
2002 (Kyoto, Japan), ICAD, pp 181-186. Adobe
- McGookin, D. and Brewster, S.A. An Investigation into the Identification
of Concurrently Presented Earcons. In Proceedings of ICAD 2003 (Boston,
MA). ICAD. Adobe PDF
Our work on 3D audio is now focused on mobile devices and applications
for blind people (see the sections below). David
McGookin is looking at the design of earcons to be presented in 3D.
Interfaces to mobile computing devices and wearable computers
We are also working on using sound to enhance the interfaces of mobile
and wearable computers. Mobile computing devices are becoming extremely
popular. Mobile telephones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and handheld
computers are one of the fastest growth areas of computing. One problem
with these devices is that there is a very limited amount of screen space:
the screen cannot physically be made bigger as the devices must be able
to fit into the hand or pocket to be easily carried. As the screen is
small it can become cluttered with information as designers try to cram
on as much as possible. This has resulted in devices that are hard to
use, with small text that is hard to read, cramped graphics and little
contextual information.
One possibile solution is to use sound to present information about widgets
so that their size could be reduced. This would mean that the clutter
on the display could be reduced and/or allow more information to be presented
on the display. This must be done in a way that maintains usability otherwise
these smaller widgets will render the device unusable
We have had three projects in this area. The first project (with Nokia)
looked at how we might use non-speech sounds to aid navigation around
complex non-visual menu structures, such as occur on a mobile phone. Full
details of this project can be found on the Telephone
project web pages.
The Toolkit
project looked at the design of a toolkit of resource sensitive widgets
that could reconfigure themselves (and so the display). This allowed the
easy movement from a desktop to a mobile device, with information moved
from the visual to auditory modality to make up for the lack of screen
space. In this project we also began to look at the use of 3D sound on
mobiles.We have been able to reduce the size of widgets such as buttons
with the addition of sound but keep usability levels high. This allows
more information to be put on-screen or for displays to be made less cluttered.
The final project, the AudioClouds
project, is looking at how 3D sound and gestures can combine to make
effective interfaces for mobile devices. Gestures are good for input as
they do not require an visual attention. 3D sound is good for display
as it gives lots of display space. The project web site has all of the
We are involved in the MobileHCI series
of workshops - we started them in Glasgow and are holding MobileHCI
2004 at Strathclude University in Glasgow.
Haptic interaction
The Group has done much work in the area of haptic (also known as touch
) interaction. This provides another sense that can be used for multimodal
interaction in addition to hearing and sight. The technology to do this
is still quite new. It was first developed so that users could feel objects
in virtual environments. Minsky (in Blattner & Dannenberg, 1992) describes
the technology thus: "Force display technology works by using mechanical
actuators to apply forces to the user. By simulating the physics of the
user’s virtual world, we can compute these forces in real-time, and then
send them to the actuators so that the user feels them". See our
haptics pages for the details of the work we are doing in this area.
We are interested in gestural interaction for use in mobile and wearable
devices, force-feedback for desktop interfaces, blind users, and tactile
interfaces. We are working on Tactons,
or tactile icons, which are similar to earcons in that they can convey
structured messages, but using vibration against the skin rather than
Multimodal visualisation for blind people (Multivis)
The MultiVis project is investigating the presentation of visualisations
to blind people. This project uses the work on earcons, 3D audio and haptics
described above to try to present graphs, tables, 3D plots and other
visualisations to blind people. The
project Web pages have more details.
One of the main deprivations caused by blindness is the problem of access
to information. Visualisation is an increasingly important method for
people to understand complex information (using tables, graphs and 3D
plots, etc.) and also to navigate around structured information. Computer-based
visualisation techniques, however, depend almost entirely on high-resolution
graphics and for visually-impaired users the problems of using complex
visual displays are great. There are currently only limited methods for
presenting information non-visually and these do not provide an equivalent
speed and ease of use to their graphical counterparts. This means it is
impossible for blind people to use visualisation techniques, so depriving
them further. We are investigating this problem by using techniques from
Virtual Reality (VR) that allow users to feel and hear their data.
The innovative aspect of this project has been to investigate the different
sensory modalities to see how they can best be used for visualisation
and so create a powerful, multimodal visualisation system that makes the
most of the senses our users have. We will be using force-feedback, 3D
sound, braille, speech input and output to try and overcome the problems
caused by the lack of vision. The second stage of this project will begin
in October 2004 and will investigate navigation, twohanded interaction
and external memory issues in visualisations for blind people.
User interface design for older adults (UTOPIA)
UTOPIA (Usable
Technologies for Older People: Inclusive and Appropriate) is a Scottish
research project investigating the design and development of computer-based
technology for older people. It is formed from a partnership of research
groups at four universities (Dundee, Glasgow, Abertay and Napier). .
The proportion of older people in the population is increasing and with
it the demands on long-term care and help for their particular needs.
Although many older people are independent and provide much to the community,
as we grow older, we will, in general, experience a reduction in our abilities
and usually require support in some activities, eventually even the basic
activities of life.
The Glasgow part of this project is looking at interface design of mobile
and handheld devices and mobile navigation aids for older people. More
details on our UTOPIA web page.
We ran a workshop at BCS HCI2002 on "A
New Research Agenda for Older Adults", the website has all
of the papers that were presented. The proceedings of the workshop
were published as a special issue of the journal Universal Access
in the Information Society. We ran a second workshop at BCS
HCI 2004 on HCI
and the Older Population.
If you have any questions about the projects described
on this page, or want more details, then feel free to
email me.