9/20-9/25 STARDUST: Session
Types for Reliable Distributed Systems is an EPSRC Project
(EP/T014628) that seeks to combine the strengths of session types and
actor languages (Erlang and Scala/Akka) to develop a well-founded
theory of reliable actor programming. Key aims are to deliver tools
that provide lightweight support for developers, e.g. warn of
potential issues, and to allow developers to continue to use
established idioms. In partnership with Imperial College London and
the University of Kent. Some key people:
Laura Bocchi,
Simon Gay,
Simon Thompson,
and Nobuko Yoshida.
BEST: Better Smart Campus Sensor Technologies explores better
software and hardware integration for the University of Glasgow Smart
Campus. Specifically we investigate the ability of the radical new
Clean iTask and mTask technologies from Radboud Computing Science to meet the
system requirements when deployed on both existing University of
Glasgow Supersensors and on cheaper microprocessors like the Espressif
ESP8266. Co-lead with Jeremy Singer, and Pieter Koopman.
MaRIONet is the Manycore Research,
Innovation and Opportunities Network funded by the EPSRC (EP/P006434).
Our aim is to enhance the capability of the UK manycore research community through
focused engagement of academic and industrial researchers.
The network is coordinated at Glasgow by
Jeremy Singer and me.
CoDiMa is a Collaborative Computational Project CCP funded by the EPSRC (EP/M022641) in partnership with St Andrews, Heriot-Watt and Newcastle Universities.
The Data Lab. I'm part of the University of Glasgow hub of the SFC-funded Big Data Lab Innovation Centre.
11/13 - 05/17
Adaptive JIT-based Parallelism (AJITPar) is an EPSRC Project
(EP/L000687) that investigates the feasibility of providing
performance portability using a combination of dynamic scheduling
and dynamic trace-based Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation.
In a Glasgow Knowledge Exchange project we have further industrialised the SD Erlang libraries developed as part of the RELEASE Project below.
10/11 - 02/15 RELEASE: A High-Level Paradigm
for Reliable Large-Scale Server Software is an EU FP7 STREP
(287510) that aims to scale the radical concurrency-oriented
programming paradigm to build reliable general-purpose software, such
as server-based systems, on massively parallel machines (100 000
cores). Representing Glasgow University I am the coordinator for the project,
and partners include Ericsson, Uppsala Universitet, Kent University,
Erlang Solutions Ltd., NTU Athens, and EDF (France).
06/11 - 07/12
CALCIUM: Computer Algebra on Cloud Infrastructures is a pilot
project, embedded in the EU Research Infrastructure project
VenusC (Virtual
MultiDisciplinary Environments Using Cloud Infrastructures)
(RI-261565). It focuses on exploiting cloud infrastructures for
massively parallel computation, in particular in the domain of
computer algebra and symbolic computation.
People: Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
09/09-10/13 HPC-GAP: High
Performance Computational Algebra and Discrete Mathematics is an
EPSRC project (EP/G05553X) to improve the software development
technologies for HPC software. Our part of the project is to extend
high-level parallel Haskell technologies to large scale HPC
platforms. The project is a collaboration with Aberdeen, St Andrews
and Edinburgh Universities.
04/06-12/11 Symbolic Computation
Infrastructure for Europe (SCIEnce) EU FP6 I3 project (026133)
with partners at University of St Andrews, Universtitaet Linz, CNRS,
Universitaet Paderborn, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Technische
Universitat Berlin, Institute e-Austria Timisoara, Waterloo Maple
Inc. Our research activities within the project are to provide uniform
access to Grid services from Symbolic Computation systems, including
GAP, Maple, Mupad and Kant. Specific research directions include the
following. Executing large symbolic computations, i.e. computer
algebra problems, on computational Grids using our Grid-enabled
parallel Haskell (GpH). Investigating improved scheduling
mechanisms for these highly-irregular parallel computations.
12/06-5/08 PAMGUARD Core an
oil-industry funded, multidiciplinary project developing the de facto
standard distributed system for monitoring cetacean activity. The monitoring is real-time, and uses Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM). The project combines Zoology, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science disciplines and our contribution is to extend the capabilities of the distributed open source PAMGUARD cetacean monitoring software.
David McLaren, Xiao Yan Deng.
12/06-6/07 PAMGUARD
Sea Trials and Maintenance, is a companion to the PAMGUARD Core project above.
In this project we maintain the software infrastructure of the
PAMGUARD software and validate it in sea trials.
People: Paul Redmond.
10/02 - 2/06 High Level Techniques for
Distributed Telecommunications Software, an EPSRC project
(GR/R88137) to evaluate high-level distributed programming techniques
in a realistic telecommunications context. The project is in
conjunction with Motorola UK Research Labs and we investigate two
distributed functional languages: Erlang and GdH in comparison with conventional techniques like Java/RMI and C++/CORBA. People:David King, Jan Henry Nystrom.
6/03 - 8/05 High Level Programming for Computational Grids, a
2-year British Council/DAAD funded travel grant (Project No. 1223), with partners at LMU Munich, Phillips-Universitaet Marburg,
and St Andrews University. We aim to evaluate a single large program
on a computational grid, i.e. on a collection of grid-enabled
workstation clusters. This entails developing a sophisticated language
implementation that adapts dynamically to such a hierarchical,
heterogeneous and ligh-latency architecture. People:
Abyd Al Zain ,
Jost Berthold ,
Kevin Hammond ,
Martin Hofmann ,
Hans Wolfgang Loidl,
Rita Loogen ,
Greg Michaelson .
7/99-3/03 Evaluating Functional
Distribution was a 4-year British Council/DAAD funded travel grant (Project No. 1097), with
partners at Phillips-Universitaet Marburg, and St Andrews
University. It evaluated two non-strict
distributed functional languages, namely Eden, and GdH. People:
Kevin Hammond ,
Rita Loogen ,
Greg Michaelson .
6/00 - 6/02 Performance Evaluation of
Parallel Functional Programs for Multiprocessor Computer Systems was a
2-year British Council/Acciones Integradas travel grant (No. MDR
8472). The project aims to evaluate the performance of the Eden and
GpH parallel functional programming languages, and to construct
frameworks for reasoning about them. People:
Kevin Hammond ,
Yolanda Ortega-Mallen,
Ricardo Pena ,
Greg Michaelson .
9/99 - 3/01 The Functional Distributed
Interactive Systems project was funded by the
EPSRC (GR/M55633) to construct and evaluate Glasgow distributed Haskell
(GdH) , a distributed non-strict functional language, effectively
a fusion of GpH and
Concurrent Haskell. The final
report summarises the results. People: Robert Pointon , Hans Wolfgang Loidl.
2/98 - 4/99 The APSET, (A Parallel
Software Engineering Tool) project was funded by
the Open University RDF to construct a strategic profiler for GpH. The
profiler relates runtime parallelism to the (strategies in the)
source-code of the program that created the parallelism. People:
David King,
Jon Hall.
5/94 - 7/97 The Parade
(PARAllel Database Engine) project was funded by the EPSRC (GR/J53348) to express complex database queries
in Glasgow
Parallel Haskell (GpH). People:
Simon Peyton Jones , Phil Broughton (ICL),
Kevin Hammond , and
Hans Wolfgang Loidl.