Call for Papers
Interested participants are invited to submit papers that should describe high-quality original research joining computer vision and pattern recognition, human sciences and automatic behavior understanding areas. Topics of interest include (but are by no means limited to):
- Proxemics
- Human ethology
- Kinesics
- Spatial Empathy
- Territoriality
- Expressions and emotions
- Tracking: multi-person, multi-camera, group/crowd
- Motion segmentation and analysis
- Crowd/group analysis and simulation
- Social force models
- Collective and emergent behaviour
- Gesture/Action recognition
- Activity analysis
- Multi-person/group/crowd interaction analysis
- Spatial and temporal reasoning
- Sensory integration and data fusion
- Situation awareness and understanding
- Applications: Ambient Intelligence, Surveillance and Monitoring, Domotics, Intelligent, Perceptual Marketing