How To
There are a number of ways to install SD Erlang/OTP and some are discussed below. If you know a better way, do let us know.
Building and Installing Erlang/OTP
This is standard Erlang/OTP building and installation. Using this method will install SD Erlang/OTP based on Erlang/OTP 17.4, 19.2, and 19.3, and ensure that you use additional features like tracing implemented by ICCS team. Detailed information on building and installation can be found in the $ERL_TOP/HOWTO/ document.
Linux commands are as follows.
(1) ssh cloning
(2) https cloning
Adding Only s_group Functionality
If you only want to try s_groups, you can simply replace some of the Erlang/OTP files in your existing Erlang/OTP (its version should be higher than 17.0). This can be done either manually or using the script. The files that need to be replaced and compiled are listed below. The compiled files will have .beam extension and should be replaced in /otp/lib/kernel/ebin/
Some demos related to SD Erlang and Erlang in general can be found here.
S_group Functions
- Create a new s_group:
- s_group:new_s_group([Node]).
- s_group:new_s_group(SGroupName, [Node]).
- Delete an s_group:
- s_group:delete_s_group(SGroupName).
- Add nodes to an s_group:
- s_group:add_nodes(SGroupName, [Node]).
- Removes nodes from an s_group:
- s_group:remove_nodes(SGroupName, [Node]).
- Return a list of all s_groups known to the node:
- s_group:s_groups().
- Return a list of s_group tuples of the s_groups the node belongs to:
- s_group:own_s_groups().
- Return a list of nodes the node shares namespaces with:
- s_group:own_nodes().
- Return a list of nodes from the given s_group:
- s_group:own_nodes(SGroupName).
- Return s_group state information:
- s_group:info().
- Register a name in the given s_group:
- s_group:register_name(SGroupName,Name,Pid).
- Re-register a name in the given s_group:
- s_group:re_register_name(SGroupName,Name,Pid).
- Unregister a name in the given s_group:
- s_group:unregister_name(SGroupName,Name).
- Return a list of all registered names on the given node:
- s_group:registered_names({node,Node}).
- Return a list of registered names in the given s_group:
- s_group:registered_names({s_group,SGroupName}).
- Return the pid of a name registered in the given s_group. The name is searched on the given node:
- s_group:whereis_name(Node,SGroupName,Name).
- Send a message to a name registered in the given s_group. The name is searched on the given node:
- s_group:send(Node,SGroupName,Name,Msg).