DDR-2011: Diversity in Document Retrieval


09:00-09:10 Welcome and Opening
09:10-10:30 Session 1: Evaluation
09:10-09:40 Invited Talk: Challenges in Diversity Evaluation
Tetsuya Sakai [Abstract]
09:40-09:50 Position Paper: Towards the Foundations of Diversity-Aware Node Summarisation on Knowledge Graphs
Marcin Sydow [Abstract]
09:50-10:05 Technical Paper: Analysis of various evaluation measures for diversity
Praveen Chandar and Ben Carterette [Abstract]
10:05-10:20 Technical Paper: Novelty and Diversity Metrics for Recommender Systems: Choice, Discovery and Relevance
Pablo Castells, Saú Vargas and Jun Wang [Abstract]
10:15-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 BREAK
11:00-12:00 Session 2: Modelling
11:00-11:10 Position Paper: Diversifying for Multiple Information Needs
Rodrygo Santos and Iadh Ounis [Abstract]
11:10-11:20 Position Paper: A Search Architecture Enabling Efficient Diversification of Search Results
Gabriele Capannini, Franco Maria Nardini, Raffaele Perego and Fabrizio Silvestri [Abstract]
11:20-11:35 Technical Paper: Diversification of search results as a fuzzy satisfiability problem
Steven Schockaert and Martine De Cock [Abstract]
11:35-11:50 Technical Paper: A Comparative Study of Search Result Diversification Methods
Wei Zheng and Hui Fang[Abstract]
11:50-12:00 Discussion
12:00-13:00 Poster Session
13:00-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-15:00 Session 3: Applications
14:00-14:30 Invited Talk: Analysis of Document Diversity through Sentence-Level Opinion and Relation Extraction
Alessandro Moschitti [Abstract]
14:30-14:40 Position Paper: Diversity in Expert Search
Vassilis Plachouras [Abstract]
14:40-14:50 Position Paper: SOPHIA: bridging the gap between thematic modelling to interactive diverse search
Niall Rooney, David Patterson and Vladimir Dobrynin [Abstract]
14:50-15:05 Technical Paper: Explicit Query Diversification for Geographical Information Retrieval
Davide Buscaldi and Paolo Rosso [Abstract]
15:05-15:25 Discussion
15:25-16:00 BREAK
16:00-18:00 Session 4: Breakout Groups
16:00-17:00 Breakout groups: Evaluation, Modeling, Applications
17:00-18:00 Wrapup from breakout groups

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